CUH celebrates International Nurses' Day
International Nurses' Day was celebrated on Monday 12 May in the CUH Trust Boardroom, with a selection of foods from around the world,...

Theatres Team shortlisted for National Patient Safety Awards
The CUH theatres team have been shortlisted in the National Patient Safety Awards 2014, and an image was needed to accompany the Trust's...

NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week
All this week CUH has got behind the NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week with displays in the Addenbrooke's Concourse and other...

Peanut allergy research hits the headlines
Peanut allergy can cause severe reactions and is the most common food-related cause of potentially fatal anaphylaxis, so when news broke...

Frank Lee Leisure Centre Video
The Frank Lee Leisure and Fitness Centre is a wonderful facility for staff at CUH and other organisations on the Biomedical Campus. With...

Media Studio Clinical Photographers in National Exhibition
Three of Media Studio's clinical photographers have had photographs accepted into the prestigious Royal Photographic Society's...

Papworth Hospital projects
PORTICO Yesterday Media Studio delivered a short film on Papworth Hospital's PORTICO project, to be screened at a showcase event in...

A new Life begins
CUH launches its new free community magazine this week, to replace 'Matters' magazine. With a completely new look, new writing and some...

Happy Easter!
A well-earned rest for everyone in Media Studio – we're closed for the Easter weekend and back to work on Tuesday. We hope you all have a...

Video helping to improve the quality of primary care
Media Studio breaks up for Easter following two days of filming for the Institute of Public Health (IPH). Sixteen vignettes of GP patient...