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Hip and Knee replacement DVD launched

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Over 160,000 total joint replacement operations are performed every year in the UK. Introduced in the 1960s, these procedures mean that people can live without years of pain and stay mobile long after their own hip and knee joints have worn out. But because joint replacement operations are so routine it is easy to forget that they are quite major procedures that require patience and determination from the patient to ensure that they are as successful as possible.

Enhanced recovery programme

At CUH, the Orthopaedic Department's Enhanced Recovery Programme is designed to ensure that everything possible is done to promote the best outcome. It is focused on getting people mobile so that they can return home and begin their full recovery. The programme relies on patients playing their part in preparing themselves for the surgery and following the advice and precuations they are given for their steady return to normality. There is a lot to learn and remember, so the quality of information given to these patients is extremely important.

DVD Launch

Addenbrooke's specialist team for joint replacement worked with Media Studio to produce a three-part DVD for joint replacement patients, taking them through from their first appointment all the way to their discharge and recovery programme. part one is for hip replacement patients and Part 2 for knee replacement. The third part is made up of prescribed exercises to aid recovery. The DVD was launched for the Orthopaedic team on Monday 29th June in the CUH Boardroom. DVDs will be given to new patients in a new information pack at their clinica appointments and the video will also be available for viewing on the Trust website.

We enjoyed working with the whole team to complete this project and would particularly like to thank June Brennan, Senior Physiotherapist; Jeanette Key, Specialist Orthopaedic Nurse; and Sarah Lester, Occupational Therapist for their patience and expertise in the making of the DVD. As always, we are also indebted to the patients who kindly agreed to take part in the filming.


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