Video helping to improve the quality of primary care
Media Studio breaks up for Easter following two days of filming for the Institute of Public Health (IPH). Sixteen vignettes of GP patient consultations were filmed with professional actors playing the parts of doctors and their patients. The scenarios are to be used in a research project, led by Professor Martin Roland, Director of the National Institute for Health Research School for Primary Care Research, and managed by IPH's Natasha Elmore and Jenni Burt. Their work uses video as a research tool in looking at variations in the quality of care between ethnic groups.
The scripts were derived from transcripts of real patient consultations and the edited films will be shown to 500 Asian and 500 white British members of the public, who will be asked a number of questions about the quality of communication between the doctors and their patients.
Filming solidly for two days with three cameras produces many hours of raw footage that Andrew, our video editor, will come back to next week – as well as the rushes from three other projects and a new editing system to commission and install. Let's hope he's refreshed after his Easter break.