01223 216349
Close collaboration between
Media Studio's photography and
graphic design teams enables us
to art direct bespoke photography
PR Photography
Stunning images that command attention and encapsulate your key messages require insight and carefully planned execution. The first priority of Media Studio's photographers is to listen to you, to really understand your needs, before bringing our unique blend of creative and technical skills to bear with strong, fresh ideas and serious attention to detail.
Close collaboration between Media Studio’s photography and graphic design teams enables us to art direct bespoke photography and gives access to our own library of photographs for use in publications and digital channels.
Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.
Clinical photography
Media Studio's clinical photography service provides photography and video recording for medical records, teaching, publication, patient information and research. We also offer medico-legal and personal injury photography. All specialities are catered for including oncology, ophthalmology, dermatology, paediatrics, cleft, maxillofacial and plastic surgery.
We have won many awards for our photography including Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards at the Institute of Medical Illustrators Annual Awards.
Media Studio has a team of eight qualified clinical photographers, all graduates in photography, with postgraduate qualifications in clinical photography.
Six photographers are accredited retinal screeners; two are accredited graders.
Our photographers are regulated by the CAMIP National Register of Medical Illustration Professionals.

Jaclyn Swindelll
The photography service is led by Production Manager, Jaclyn Swindell, who has a vast range of photographic
skills and experience.

Peter Murray
Technical Manager, Peter Murray, joined Media Studio in 2012 and is responsible for managing technical photography, imaging technology and the teaching support team.