Medical Image Exhibition comes to the Cambridge Science Centre

Mark Bartley's award-winning photograph of a lady with Kyphosis (a curvature of the spine) is one of twenty stunning medical images that went on display from 19th March at the Cambridge Science Centre on Jesus Lane. The Wellcome Image Awards 2015 are being exhibited at eleven venues across the UK and the USA. Here in Cambridge the exhibition is being held as part of the Cambridge Science Festival.
Mark Bartley is Clinical Photography Team Leader in Media Studio. He collected his Award at the Wellcome Trust ceremony in London on March 18th. As well as the Wellcome Award, his photograph won a Gold Award at the Institute of Medical Illustrators' Annual Awards in September 2014. Mark said: 'Most of our clinical photography is done under very standardised conditions of lighting but sometimes we can better illustrate a condition by using more creative lighting. Although this was a routine request from an orthopaedic surgeon, I looked for the best positioning and lighting to illustrate the changes in this lady's anatomy and posture resulting from her kyphosis.'