That was the year that was...
On the last day of 2014 about a third of Media Studio's staff are still working hard, although we will be closed for the Bank Holiday on the 1st January. Here are just a few highlights from our year:
Over 63,000 clinical photographs taken of 10,000 patients in our studio, wards and departments of CUH.
15,000 ophthalmic imaging procedures carried out on 10,000 patients.
Over half a million imprints from our Sprinters printing service.
Twenty-five major video production projects completed.
Thousands of patient information DVDs produced.
Cleft lip and palate imaging systems migrated from analogue to fully digital workflows, transforming cleft review and speech and language clinics.
New retinal camera and software commissioned for diabetic retinal screening clinics.
Two new optical coherence tomography machines and software commissioned.
New Optos ultra-wide retinal imaging camera introduced.
Clinical image library (CIL) software updated and installed on new server, giving greater storage capacity (the number of clinical images stored on CIL has reached 490,000).
eHospital training for all clinical photographers completed.
New room bookings software commissioned, transforming the meeting room booking service.
20,000 room bookings made.
Videoconferencing transition to IP technology completed.
PR photography includes:
CIMR Annual Report
Clinical School student intake
Learning Centre & HCA profiles
eHospital publicity & launch
ACT newsletter
You Made a Difference Awards
Volunteers' Awards Lunch
Graphic design and print projects include:
Display material for eHospital launch & countdown
GSK Clinical Trials Unit display graphics
Intensive weight management programme branding, photography and print
Hand Hygiene campaign – wash station and floor vinyl designs
Redesign of medical records forms improving quality & compliance
Design & printing of Clinical School Directory
'See your future with us' recruitment campaign, advertising and exhibition display
Re-designed Hospital Life newsletter launched
Cambridge Science Festival Biomedical Campus Display Graphics
New digital press installed to transform Sprinters printing service
Three-month medical art internship launches the career of MSc graduate Caitlin Monney
IMI Awards
Wellcome Award – Mark Bartley
Gold Award – Mark Bartley
Three Silver Awards
Fifteen Bronze Awards
BMA Awards
POP-Home project video Highly Commended
Royal Photographic Society
Three clinical photographers exhibited at 'Visualising Medicine Exhibition' in May
We'll be back to work on Friday 2nd January to start another year. Best wishes to all for a very successful 2015.