Business Cards for all budgets, with no minimum quantity
Not everybody needs large numbers of business cards and they can quickly go out of date as phone numbers or address details change. Often, NHS staff need only small numbers of cards for meeting professional colleagues and business contacts. But to have business cards printed using traditional methods the set up costs are high, so that there is always a minimum quantity to make the job economically viable.
At Media Studio we have resolved the problem by employing digital printing techniques. For CUH Trust or any NHS-style cards we have a simple ordering system and, because we print on a small digital machine that prints directly onto pre-cut blank cards, there is no minimum quantity. We can print single or double-sided, so that, for example, you can have personal contact details on one side and more general information on the other, such as ward contact numbers. Order as many or as few as you like – if you need more cards it's as easy as sending us an email with a cost code or purchase order. For further details download our factsheet, complete with an ordering form, from here.
For larger volumes or more complex designs in which colours 'bleed' to the edge, our new digital press is ideal. We can use your existing design if you have artwork prepared or we can design the cards for you. Contact Media Studio for more details.

CUH business card template