Christmas charity photo booth and cake sale – 4th December
Many thanks to everyone who came to our Christmas cake sale and photo booth on Thursday 4th December and generously donated cash for our chosen charity.
All donations will go to the ACT Comfort and Joy Appeal, for the refurbishment of six Care of the Elderly wards at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The aim is to:
Replace shiny flooring to reduce slips and falls;
Upgrade décor, lighting, communal areas and bed bay layout;
Reduce clutter and create more space to improve mobility;
Introduce suitable colour schemes, adjustable lighting and artwork;
Improve signage for clarity and to reduce confusion;
Enable patients to personalise their space with photos and mementos;
Provide plenty of puzzles, games, and other resources to keep minds active;
Create new seating areas, away from beds, for patients and visitors.
You can also donate online: