New booking system for teaching and meeting rooms

OK, so it's hard to get excited about, but we've been working on this for quite a while and we think the new room bookings system will make life easier for anyone who regularly has to book teaching and meeting rooms at CUH and the Clinical School. Now for the first time users can see the rooms available and choose one that's free at the time they need it.
The new and improved Teaching and Meeting room booking system went live a week ago and seems to be behaving as it should, so it's now ready for anyone in CUH Trust and the Clinical School to use. The quickest way to access the system is via a link named ‘Room Bookings’ on the Connect Portal page under Non Clinical Applications or via this link. Outside the Trust, go to the Media Studio website.
Once you are looking at the timetable just select a date and then scan through the available rooms and times. You can make a request simply by selecting a vacant period. If you need any help at all, training and support is available by contacting Room Bookings at the Media Studio on ext 2467.