Sprinters service on show
It was good to meet so many people when we displayed our work in the CUH Food Court yesterday. The main purpose of the display was to raise awareness of Media Studio's in-house Sprinters print-shop service. Sprinters provides high-volume colour and black and white printing, together with a range of finishing options such as folding, booklet making, trimming, binding, laminating and hole-punching.
Business cards
Many people don't need huge numbers of business cards, so we have a machine that can print in small batches. You can order just 50 if that's all you need. The cards are full colour, sized 90x54 mm and printed on high-quality 300 gsm card. It's very easy to order CUH Trust business cards – just download our factsheet from: http://www.media-studio.co.uk/printing.htm and fill in the form. And from now until the end of May you can get 10% off the cost of Business cards. (see our 1st April Blog).
Colour printing
We are also offering 10% discount on colour printing until the end of May. Just contact us with your order before 31st May.
Long-run printing
It's far too expensive and time-consuming to use a desktop printer for printing 50 or more copies of any document. Much better to come to Media Studio and leave it all to us. We'll print and collate any number of copies, whether in black-and-white or colour. we're happy to work from a printed original or a document file, such as Microsoft Word or PDF.
Our next Food Court display will be on 3rd June, when we'll be displaying some of our Video Production work.