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‘Celebration of Life’

Media Studio helped ACT to promote a concert in Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge entitled ‘Celebration of Life’. Cambridge Baroque (an exciting new vocal and instrumental ensemble) performed to support the ongoing fundraising for the ACT on Cancer campaign. The concert included such gems from baroque masters as Monteverdi’s 'Beatus Vir' and Purcell’s 'My Beloved Spake'.

Launched in October 2013, the ACT on Cancer campaign aims to ensure that our patients receive the very best services, using the latest advances in research and technology, in new facilities which promote continued excellence in treatment and care.

'Thank you so much for pulling that all out of the bag for us! Everyone commented on the invites and programme on the night – they were all very complimentary'

Claire Billing Fundraising Manager Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT)


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