Looking back on 2013
Looking back on 2013 we have thoroughly enjoyed working with so many people and it is impossible to thank you all individually. Some of the highlights were:
Completed projects
AUPIP project – a patient information folder and 22-chapter DVD for patients referred to Addenbrooke’s Hospital with high-risk bladder cancer.
Two patient information DVDs for patients preparing for major lung surgery for cancer and benign conditions at Papworth Hospital.
Video production for the National Institute for Health Research BioResource project, making promotional DVDs and online video for the network of UK biomedical research centres and their partners in the pharmaceutical industry.
Cancer Research UK: patient information videos about radiotherapy – part of an ongoing project to develop video clips for the CancerHelpUK website.
A set of training videos for the East of England Trauma Network’s Emergency Department teams.
Karl Storz (Endoscopy) UK – promotional video for their range of operating theatre services.
Hand hygiene campaign to promote hand washing as part the infection control programme, including banners, posters and new hand wash station display throughout the hospital.
Recruitment campaign to attract nursing staff, including literature, promotional material, advertising and exhibition display.
Support for the opening of The Evelyn Perinatal Imaging Centre including literature and signage.
Photography for the CIMR Annual Report, showing researchers in their workplace.
CUH Transformation campaign - branding, staff information leaflets, banners and video production highlighting outstanding achievements and opportunities for innovation.
Trust Board display in Addenbrooke's main reception.
Regular 'View from the Bridge' webcasts in which CUH Chief Executive, Keith McNeil, communicates developments to the Trust's 8,000 staff.
Surgical Safety Checklist, for use in all operating theatres, together with staff training video.
Branding for 'Addenbrooke's at Home' post-discharge clinical services.
Papworth Hospital promotional video - originally for the British Cardiac Intervention Society conference and developed into a promotional short for the Trust.
We were successful again in this year’s IMI Awards, gaining a Gold, four Silver and fourteen Bronze Awards. In fact, every one of our team’s IMI members came away with an award, spanning clinical, ophthalmic and public relations photography, graphic design and video production. We also won a Bronze Award in the Health and Science Communications Association Annual Awards.
Royal visit
The visit to CUH of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh kept our designers busy producing display material and saw our photographers in action as they followed the Royal party around the new Rosie Hospital, to produce some of the nicest pictures of the Queen we have seen this year.
Major Events
We were also delighted to photograph some other major events for CUH such as the opening of Dame Mary Archer Way, the Prince's Trust Graduation Ceremony and the ‘Our Way’ Annual Awards Ceremony, among many others.
Clinical photography
The Clinical Photography Team has had one of its busiest years ever – especially in ophthalmic imaging, where they have photographed nearly 10,000 patients in 2013. They started the year with a restructuring, when Peter Murray joined the team as Photography Technical Manager and Jaclyn Swindell took on the role of Photography Production Manager. Kim Baxter has taken the reins as Ophthalmic Imaging Team Leader, in which post she has led some excellent in-house training. Joining us later in the year, Joe Matthews has already been making an impact on the Cleft Lip and Palate service as Cleft Image Technician. His task of harnessing digital technology to transform the workflow for photography, video and 3D images will make a real difference to patients and the multidisciplinary clinical team in the year to come.